Monday, September 05, 2005

Some good news

Miss K, my landlady and car donor, called last night. She's safe in Houston, although they didn't get rescued until Saturday. She said Jonathan is also safe. She didn't know him before, but they got to be friends during their ordeal.

There are a couple of organizations that are now trying to rescue stranded pets. It's hard to get through, but I'll keep trying. Maybe there's some hope that Miss P will survive.

I have an unpaid internship lined up at the environmental law firm I mentioned. RW is helping me hook up with a chain alternative weeklies in New England. I'm hoping to write for them about New Orleans. I'm also contemplating trying to get a book deal. Those of you who have agents--be prepared to hear from me. I'm also going to call the Princeton Review tomorrow about teaching during LSAT season.

Miss K might trade me her car in exchange for the money that she owes me as a refund for my security deposit and September rent. The car is a 9-year-old Hyundai with 100K miles, but it runs well, got me up here with no problems, has a manual transmission and gets great gas mileage. And I'm not in any shape to go car shopping right now.

So, things are working out for me personally.

My dad might go volunteer to work on the cleanup for a few weeks, which I admire.

My parents are both very kind, good, generous people. I have to say that because I've been cranky about staying with them, and I don't want to come off as a complete ingrate. I'm grateful to them for taking me in. It was a great comfort to arrive here. It's just that a long stay here will not be good for my happiness and mental health.

I'm really grateful and touched, but also a bit embarrassed, by all the people who have offered to help me out. I think you should give money to the Red Cross before you give money to me. Also, you could make my life much better just by burning copies of a couple of your favorite CDs for me. But it's true that I need to replace a lot of clothes and eventually household items. If you've got money burning a hole in your pocket that you'd otherwise be spending on dangerous recreational drugs, I'd be extremely appreciative of gift certificates from L.L. Bean or Land's End to get a winter coat and sweaters and boots, or from any chain store that has stuff I could use. They've got them all here in Suburbia World. But again, I'm not in tremendous need: the Red Cross needs it more than I do.

I haven't been doing a very good job of communicating with people individually, because I'm overwhelmed by all I have to do. But I want you to know that your email and encouragement means a lot. Thank you all so much.

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