Wednesday, September 21, 2005


I've heard from people who have gone back to look at their uptown houses. If they make the mistake of opening their refrigerators, they find them crawling with maggots. One girl cleaned hers out, but she vomited a couple of times before finishing. Others don't have the stomach for it, they're just sealing the refrigerator up and dragging it out to the curb. So add that to the waste and the mess--thousands of maggoty refrigerators.

I'm planning to go to Baton Rouge today to get Miss P out of hock. I'd thought about continuing on to New Orleans to check things out and maybe get a few things out of my house. But I'm not sure if I'm ready for that, and in any case the city is under yet another evacuation order because of the new hurricane. I don't know if I could take it if the city flooded again before the last one has been pumped out.

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