Monday, September 19, 2005

I wanna go home

Nagin invited people to come back into the city, or at least into Algiers, then promptly told them to leave again due to federal backlash and a new hurricane.

I can't stand to hear or read the ignorant, stupid and hateful opinions of other people. I will concede that, looking at things in the coldest and most objective way, rebuilding New Orleans may not be a sensible thing to do, at least not if we don't also invest in a total re-engineering of the Louisiana coast and a rethinking of the levee system, and if we don't admit the role the oil and gas industry played in this fiasco (ironically one of the main parties who wants to see the city rebuilt) and quit letting them tear up the wetlands.

On CNN tonight: The Hot 8 leading a second line in Baton Rouge.

The balance of power is going to shift in Louisiana, I think, and Baton Rouge will permanently become the bigger city. But Baton Rouge is now and will forever be a shithole, and one without a drop of New Orleans's redeeming charm.

My parents get all kinds of mail from right-wing causes and think-tanks askiing for money. Whenever possible, I intercept it and destroy it. Is that unethical?

I want to go home.I want to go home.I want to go home.I want to go home.I want to go home.I want to go home.I want to go home.I want to go home.I want to go home.I want to go home.I want to go home.I want to go home.I want to go home.I want to go home.I want to go home.I want to go home.I want to go home.I want to go home.I want to go home.I want to go home.I want to go home.I want to go home.I want to go home.I want to go home.I want to go home.I want to go home.I want to go home.I want to go home.

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