Friday, September 09, 2005

A rare example of FEMA efficiency

Several people mentioned to me that FEMA was giving out $2000 debit cards to Katrina refugees. I was under the impression that you had to go by a shelter or office to get the cards, and got online this morning to figure out where I needed to go. But according to the website, the funds would be direct deposited or automatically sent to you if you'd already registered. I started to check my registration, and to my distress they seemed to have lost it--but as I restarted the application process, I also called to check my bank balance and found that the money had been deposited into my account last night. It was a very pleasant surprise.

So if you haven't registered yet, you should register. I will probably use the money as a deposit on a car or the full price of a cheap car.

I have a lot I want to write here and many people I want to write or talk to individually, but suddenly I find myself almost as busy I was during my now-mythical week of law school.

I'll mention that Tulane seems committed to restarting in January in New Orleans, which I have violently mixed feelings about, especially after hearing an EPA scientist on the radio talking about how it won't be safe to live there for a decade. Of course, the campus and much of the nearby area stayed dry. Perhaps we'll be a little island of civilization among the ruins.

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