Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Old dogs

Related to the long post below about nostalgia, I was just listening to a radio piece about when you lose your taste for novelty. According to the report, most people won't listen to new music after the age of 35, try new food after the age of 39, or get a body piercing after the age of 23.

I don't have any piercings or tattoos. Katrina has been the one thing in my life that seems like it might be appropriately memorialized with a tattoo, but otherwise I don't have any interest in body art and no regrets about that.

But I hope I will otherwise remain open to new things. I'm not 39 yet, but I didn't start eating raw oysters or sushi until I was in my 30s. Or kiwis. I think I was more uptight about unfamiliar food when I was younger.

I probably have the tendency to get a bit calcified in my musical taste. I listen to a lot of things by old bands that are new to me or that I didn't appreciate before. I have picked up a few new bands in the past few years, though they generally don't sound radically different from stuff I was already listening to. Off the top of my head: Harlan T. Bobo, My Morning Jacket, The Black Keys, etc. Plus some local bands. Every once in awhile some new hip hop will catch my ear, but I won't name names so they can avoid the shame of having people know some old white lady likes them.

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