From time to time Mr. M or his friends have mentioned his resemblance to Crispin Glover. I could sort of see what they meant. But I don't think I've seen Crispin Glover in anything in the time I've known Mr. M, except for What's Eating Gilbert Grape, and I can barely remember his role in that. I was distracted by Johnny Depp.
Somehow I never saw River's Edge until tonight. It's a creepy but really good movie from the mid-80's about a homicidal teenager and his screwed up friends. It's got a young Keanu Reeves in it and it's also got Crispin Glover in a big role. He's not the main character but he really owns this movie.
I didn't know Mr. M twenty years ago, but I've seen pictures, and obviously I know what he looks like now. And the resemblance here is so strong it's scary. Glover's voice is even like Mr. M's. His inflections and mannerisms in this film are a teenage speed freak's version of Mr. M's. It was REALLY WEIRD to watch this. And Mr. M and Glover are exactly the same age. I've often wished I knew Mr. M back when he was a young hot thing, and it's like I was getting a glimpse of it, and I found Glover attractive in his film, except he has a mullet and he's batshit crazy, so that made me feel kinda uncomfortable about being attracted to him. Plus the real Crispin Glover seems interesting and smart but... let's say... kind of nutty.
Mr. M never had a mullet. He had short, slighty punk rock hair. But he had the skinny black jeans and leather jacket. He still does, in fact.
I can remember seeing Back to the Future when I was in high school and thinking Glover was pretty cute in it. I was more into him than Michael J. Fox. So maybe I ought to put that in my Netflix queue. Maybe that would be a less disturbing evocation of the young Mr. M.
Anyway, I've never posted a picture of Mr. M, but if you watch this movie and imagine Glover's character twenty years later with a lot less hair and looking like he's had a rough decade, you'll get the idea. The resemblance between Glover today and Mr. M today is not as strong as it was.
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