Friday, June 17, 2005

More singing about Jesus while riding public transportation

If it's a bus-riding day, and I'm even later than usual, I might get on the bus with this lady who listens to Gospel music on her Walkman and loudly sings along. She's got a pretty good voice. She's in tune and she sounds a bit like Esther Phillips. She's psychotically cheerful. The reaction of the other passengers varies. Sometimes they just roll their eyes at each other and otherwise ignore her. Other days, like today, they half-mockingly cheer her on and applaud. Before she gets off, she makes an announcement along the lines of how she's just praising God, ain't nothing bad about that, instead of talking about her praying why don't we pray along, and have a blessed day.

I guess she's not as annoying as the Christian youth group kids on the streetcar because she can sing and because she's homegrown local color. And she means well and she's nuts. But in the end it's still kind of annoying--all that cheerfully relentless well-meaning self-righteous proselytizing.

But thank you Jesus for the chance to swim in that beautiful swimming pool last night. Thanks to Miss S and Miss A as well, and the other Miss H.

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