Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Making it legal

My sister, it seems, is not totally overwhelmingly enthusiastic about getting married.

I feel like I can't say anything. I'm cynical about love, and demonstrably crappy at relationships. Whatever I say would either be a bummer or bad advice or both. Also, I want her to get married for selfish reasons, to take the pressure off me.

My mutually fat, married-for-almost-forty-years aunt and uncle seem to be having sex right now which is a.) gross; and b.)a counter to my bad opinions about marriage.

Coincidentally, my fellow intern/refugee bought an engagement ring this weekend with the intention of proposing to his girlfriend. And you thought it was frivolous for me to buy a used BMW with my FEMA money.

Today, a paper in which I wrote one and a half paragraphs was filed in a federal court. I'm figuring out my projects, probably the hard way, but eventually I seem to get them done right. I think I'm pretty good at legal writing and I find it oddly entertaining--I feel like I'm engaged in parody.

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