This picture was taken inside the bar of a strange and wonderful bar/restaurant/hotel in Mount Joy, Pennsylvania. It's decorated in an over-the-top decadent nouveau Victorian style. I was there last week with my Aunt and my sister and her fiance and Miss S. The night before, I was drinking in a VFW with all of the above except Miss S. It was a strange but fun weekend. I went to the market and got my Martin's potato chips fresh in white paper bags, my sweet bologna, my apple butter
My sister's fella is attractive, sweet, and completely devoted to her. He's a good cook and a good mechanic. He's not an intellectual heavyweight, but I don't know that she requires one. Really, it seems like she hit the guy jackpot and she doesn't appreciate it. She's never really happy, and neither is my mother, come to think of it. Accentuate the negative is their motto. I'm nowhere near as bad as them--I don't think so. But I see similar tendencies in myself. I'm reluctant to ever be too happy about anything for fear of losing it or being disappointed.
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