Saturday, August 27, 2005

Only in New Orleans

We're about to get drowned by the big one, and here comes a brass band parade down my street. It's the Krewe of OAK parade. I love this town. I hate this town.

I went out to watch it go by and had a talk with my neighbor, who had a slightly calming influence on me. He's a local boy, and he's leaving tomorrow afternoon, but only to go to his folks' house out in Laplace. If the storm turns out to be less severe than expected, he'll come right back. If I'm forced to leave Hank behind, he (my neighbor) will at least know he's there and check up on him when he gets back.

The old lady on the other side is staying. She always stays. Her kids come over and board up her windows for her.

I called J in Memphis and he'd be happy to put me up. I had a potential dog-friendly ride to Memphis but now I can't get in touch with the driver. Miss S decided she's going to South Carolina. Her gig is almost over. AD and the caravan are going to Lafayette. The Hotel Monaco is booked.

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