Jeez, what a miserable weekend. Especially Sunday. It was so unbelievably hot. The relatively powerful and efficient window unit in the kitchen has crapped out, and the one in the bedroom can barely cool a cardboard box. Miss S invited me to go shopping in the suburbs with her. I turned her down because I’m broke, but I should have gone for the shopping-mall air-conditioning. Instead I stayed home and packed, and when things got too unbearable I (twice) ran a cold bath and dumped ice cubes in it and sat in the bathtub till the ice cubes melted. Yes, it was so hot that a bath with ice cubes was pleasant. In fact, it was the only good part of the day. But I did get a lot of packing done. The end is in sight. This is my last week of work and my last week in my crappy, sweaty apartment. Soon I will be in my new house with central air conditioning! And a washer and dryer and dishwasher! It’s going to change everything!
Anyway, this is a picture of Miss P aiding the packing process by holding down the stack of newspapers and helpfully shredding them.
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