I'm no expert, but the seagulls of Maine seem quite a bit bigger than the seagulls of the gulf coast. I thought this one (who looked like it weighed about 40 pounds) was going to snatch the sandwich right out of my hand. They also have these little bitty red squirrels that live on the edge of the woods and beach and will boldly challenge the seagulls for their share of what you thought was your food.
Wish the pictures were better, but I understand the get-smart cameraphone technology is improving by the second.

Later that day, the sun came out and it got almost hot. I hiked around Long Pond. It was completely beautiful and peaceful. The water looked so clear and cool. I was sorry I didn't bring a bathing suit. Later, N told me she knows a place where you can skinny dip in peace. I hope to take advantage next time. That was the only flaw in my time here--no swimming.
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