Saturday, March 29, 2008

Accentuate the negative

Some things I will not miss about New Orleans:

-the constantly recurring sinus infection I have only in New Orleans

-the general level of filth and all the trash in the streets

-the car-destroying potholes

-the endless public works projects that chiefly involve digging a big hole in the street in an inconvenient location, letting it sit open for several weeks, then filling it in only to dig another one the next block down.

-the street flooding that comes with only a medium rainstorm, and all the mud left behind

-the sensation of being chilly and sweaty at the same time on spring and fall nights

-feeling greasy and sweaty most of the time, despite showering two or three times a day

-the people who hang out at major intersections soliciting donations for their church and disrupting traffic

-the third-world postal service

-hurricane evacuations

-the lack of public curbside recycling (we pay a private company to pick up our recycling!)

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