Friday, August 29, 2008

Happy anniversary baby

Today is the third anniversary of Katrina. Tulane is closing at noon, public transportation is shutting down tonight, etc., all in anticipation of a probable mandatory evacuation tomorrow because of Gustav.

And I'm not there.

I feel relieved, of course. I never want to go on another hurricane evacuation, ever. I also fee slightly guilty and slightly left out of the excitement. Worried, but with hints of a kind of schaudenfreude (sp?)--if something really bad happens, it will prove I was right to leave, and I won't have to second guess myself. But that's not what I want of course. I want New Orleans to be there, be healthy, get better, survive and thrive.

It's been a a hell of a three years, and I can't believe I'm still broke and unsettled--wasn't law school supposed to fix all that?

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